TCCA "TETRA in Latin America" events proven to be successful
The event in Chile consisted of a workshop/conference with a table top exhibition. About 100 delegates registered for the event so there was not much space left in the exhibition-room.
Both Latin America events, in Chile and in Brazil, took place last week and both exceeded the expectations of the TETRA and Critical Communications association
At the events a series of presentations in Spanish and English with simultaneous translation were given, so that all attendees were able to learn the latest developments within the TETRA Communications industry.
TETRA in Chile was a workshop/conference with a table top exhibition. About 100 delegates registered for the event and it was a very full room. Critical Comms from the TCCA had a separate exhibition room and counted 110 registrations.
TCCA members are able to view the presentations from each event, by going to the Events Zone in the TCCA website, clicking on View previous events and selecting the event you are interested in.