
Redwood Empire Dispatch Communications Authority Selects Federal Engineering to Conduct a Dispatch Consolidation Feasibility Study

Source: Federal Engineering
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

The Redwood Empire Dispatch Communications Authority (REDCOM) Joint Powers Authority (JPA) in California awarded Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) a contract to conduct a feasibility study for Fire & Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Dispatch Consolidation. Mr. Ronald F. Bosco, FE’s President and CEO provided a vignette of this project: “REDCOM is a Joint Powers Authority established in 2002 under the California Joint Exercise of Powers Act to provide centralized emergency Fire and EMS dispatching to emergency response agencies within Sonoma County. REDCOM currently provides 911 call-taking and dispatching for 31 public and private agencies in Sonoma County. In October 2018, REDCOM was approached by representatives from the Marin County Fire Chiefs Association requesting to begin discussions regarding 911 call-taking and dispatching services by REDCOM including the possible inclusion of an additional 16 Fire & EMS agencies operating in Marin County, CA.”

Mr. Bosco continued: “FE’s Feasibility Study will assist in determining the viability for REDCOM to incorporate Marin County Fire & EMS agencies into its service delivery model. Organizational change to be considered will include integrating the Marin Agencies into the existing REDCOM JPA and restructuring of the REDCOM JPA. Additional items to be addressed include physical location/locations of the dispatch center(s), services to be provided (current and future), governance, cost structure, staffing models, additional overhead/command-control staffing, and technological barriers.”
