
First Major Transport Companies in France to Deploy Axon Body Cameras

Source: Axon
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

Axon, announced that two major transport companies in France, SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français) and RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) deployed Axon body-worn cameras to increase the safety of security officers and the public. These cameras have proven to be an effective conflict de-escalation tool, essential for managing situations safely and helping to reduce injuries to transport rail security personnel. In addition, SNCF purchased Axon Evidence (Evidence.com), the cloud-based evidence management software, in order to securely store the data from their Axon Body 2 cameras centrally and thus being able to easily share evidences with judicial police officers (OPJ) without physical support.

“More than 5,000 videos were filmed and 114 summons were issued. The cameras thus provide audiovisual evidence that did not exist in the past. Sound plays a very important role, as the recording of exchanges between agents and suspects provides real added value for the investigations of criminal investigation officers (OPJ),” says Christophe Fois, head of the Business Security Division, SNCF.