
Australasian Critical Communications Forum Celebrates 20 Years

Source: ACCF
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

Our Australasian Critical Communications Forum Limited (ACCF) celebrated its 20th anniversary during its AGM, with guests from around the world joining the online event. Run by Roger Kane. Anton Abrahams and in incoming CEO Kevin Graham, the ACCF welcomed Mladen Vratonjic, Harald Ludwig, Tero Pesonen, Paul Davis, Phil Godfrey and Jeppe Jepsen, among others, to mark 20 years of enhancing critical communications in the region. 

Along with the TCCA objectives the Australasian Critical Communications Forum (ACCF), advocates on behalf of mission and business critical stakeholders in the Australasian region in respect to the development and establishment of global non-proprietary mission and business critical LMR and LTE Broadband standards to ensure that stakeholder and professional user requirements are adequately addressed.

The ACCF has some 25 members in Australia and New Zealand whereas TCCA has over 150 member organizations globally comprising of governments, vendors, integrators, telecom operators, and users in transportation, utilities and the resources industries.

Members of TCCA design, manufacture, build, implement, utilise, analyse, promote, develop and deploy critical communications worldwide.