PSCE contributes to a 6G-IA Paper on KVIs
PSCE has contributed to the Paper ‘Key value indicators: A framework for values-driven next-generation ICT solutions’, recently published in Telecommunications Policy.
The paper is the result of the work conducted within the Societal Needs and Value Creation subgroup of the Vision Working Group where PSCE is involved. The Working Group is established under the 6G Smart Networks and Service Industry Association (6G-IA). PSCE is also a Board Member in the Association
The paper highlights the new narrative in the world of innovation where the integration of the societal dimension is becoming more and more prominent. Aware of the lack of a clear conceptual framework that supports value-driven development, the paper aims to address this gap by proposing a Key Value Indicator (KVI) Framework tailored to the ICT research and development sector.
PSCE has been actively working with KVIs to explore how they could be used to define and measure societal value from innovation. Complementing technical performance, the aim is to bring public safety into focus in ways that help designers, developers, and users ask and answer questions like: could using this new technology reduce loss of life, decrease vulnerabilities to hazards, or increase perceptions of safety?
Most of the work conducted so far on KVIs has been developed within the FIDAL PROJECT.
The Paper is accessible at the following link:
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