
RESPOND-A and 3 other EU projects discuss Sensors and Smart Wearables for First Responders

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

On 2 November 2021, the RESPOND-A project (Next-generation equipment tools and mission- critical strategies for First Responders) conveyed its second in a series of webinars addressing new technologies for first responders.

This edition, focusing on Sensors and Smart Wearables, namely featured the participation of SIXTHSENSE, FASTER and INGENIOUS, three EU projects also funded under the Horizon 2020 research programme seeking to enhance the capabilities and safety of First Responders through innovative technologies. The programme was initiated by an introduction to RESPOND-A and included a practitioner’s perspective on the wildfires that hit Cyprus last summer. The webinar generated great interest, attracting around 80 participants from Europe and worldwide.

The organisation of the event also coincided with a statement issued on 29th October by the European Commission on the cybersecurity of wireless devices and products. The adoption of the delegated to the Radio Equipment Directive “aims to make sure that all wireless devices are safe before being sold on the EU market. This act lays down new legal requirements for cybersecurity safeguards, which manufacturers will have to take into account in the design and production of the concerned products. It will also protect citizens' privacy and personal data, prevent the risks of monetary fraud as well as ensure better resilience of our communication networks.” (source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_5634)

From monitoring in real time the health status and other bio-indicators of first responders in mission to enhancing first responders’assessment of dangerous situations, Sensors and smart wearables have the potential to greatly enhance the operational capacity and safety of first responders. The webinar provided a platform for exchanging knowledge and allowed projects and experts to share their experience in designing and/or integrating these technologies. The essential role of practitioners in defining needs and testing solutions as well as their possible deployment were also discussed.

The presentations and recording of the webinar are available at https://respond-a-project.eu/