DMR  |  2012-05-10

The DMR Association and PMeV announce partnership for the upcoming PMRExpo

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

As a Conference Supporter, the DMR Association collaborate with PMeV to guarantee attendees the maximum benefit as well as clear and unbiased information about DMR technology.

The Digital Mobile Radio Association (DMR Association) and Professioneller Mobilfunk e.V. (PMeV) are pleased to announce their partnership for the upcoming PMRExpo event, November 27 - 29, 2012 at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany.

As a Conference Supporter, the DMR Association collaborate with PMeV to guarantee attendees the maximum benefit as well as clear and unbiased information about DMR technology.

As a first step of the collaboration between the DMR Association and PMeV we are glad to distribute the call for papers.



PMRExpo 2011: Key Figures

> More than 3,000 professional visitors from 34 countries
>190 exhibitors from 17 countries

Source: dmrassociation