Comba Telecom expands its CriticalPoint public safety BDA product line with new 5W version
Comba Telecom, Inc. (Subsidiary of Comba Telecom Holdings LTD.), a global leading wireless solutions provider, today announced a 5W version of their award-winning public safety BDA (Bi-directional Amplifier) to provide mission-critical in-building communications for first responders for large or multi-story buildings. The new CriticalPoint 5W public safety BDA supports single 700MHz, 800MHz or dual band 700/800MHz frequencies and comes in either Class A or Class B configurations and either AC or DC powered.
“As a former first-responder, providing first responders the ability to transmit mission-critical in-building voice communications is critical and a focus here at Comba Telecom,” says Don Henry, Comba Telecom’s Vice President of Sales and Public Safety Program Manager. “Our new 5W BDA expands the LMR radio coverage area to support the first responder community to not only protect the public but first responders as well,” Henry continued to state.
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