
FREQUENTIS to Deliver Largest Military Voice Communications System in the Middle East

Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

Multiple Defence Forces, including Air Force, Joint Operations, Navy Operations, Air Defence, and National Guard, will receive Frequentis secure communication technology and will create the largest military communications system in the region

The scope of the project includes over 130 controller working positions deployed on over 10 sites; interfaces for radios with radio remote control, telephone lines and advanced mission critical logging of voice and surveillance data. The project involves full installation and will also encompass mobile units for tactical operations.

“Frequentis has been our trusted partner in the region, working with in the field of secure communications for two decades. We are pleased to be working with them once more on what will be the largest military voice system in the region,” says the customer’s procurement responsible.

“We’re motivated to start this project as the scope extends to all Forces, not just those of the Air Force; we will also deliver mobile units for tactical operations,” says Peter Skiczuk, Vice President Frequentis Defence. “We look forward to delivering an exceptional system for the region which meets all of its current and future demands.”

With over 35 years working in the Defence sector and 75 years of existence in the safety critical industry, over 40,000 operator working positions worldwide are in use for control centre solutions.