
IHM Becomes Rohill Certified Partner

Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

In a short message, IHM, a Copenhagen based company that develops state-of-the-art radio and telecommunication systems, announced that it has been certified as a Rohill Certified partner.

By teaming up with Rohill, IHM now supplies secure local infrastructure to customers with a need for secured communication on TETRA networks. Before becomming a partner, IHM employees had to pass training at the Rohill Headquaters in The Netherlands

The Rohill infrastructure system named: TetraNode, is both a powerful and economical TETRA mobile radio network. The network generates a flexible and futureproof TETRA infrastructure, which is scalable from a single site system to multi site networks.

The TetraNode features:

  • Powerfull node-based architecture based on software swithc technology
  • Cost effective scalability from single site and larger
  • Comprehensive capabilities for dispatch, logging and network manament
  • Sure by design, both TETRA and cyber security-wise
  • Compliant to all relevant TETRA and IP-standards