Basic Structure
- Target Market: Sales and service companies
- Fully integrated accounting application software
- An open server technology development
- Ruled by Microsoft Windows User Interface Protocol
- Founded on SQL Server standards
Frontline is designed with several predefined tables and procedures for information gathering and retrieval. The main tables include a System Database, Identifier Documents, Notes, Supporting Documents, and List Tables.
System Database holds customer names, bill to and ship to addresses, inventory, and general transactions such as sales orders, service orders, accounts receivable, general ledger, quotes, invoices, service history, sales history, etc.
Identifier Documents, I.Docs, are user defined values that identify a specific order. These can be used for a variety of purposes depending on your company's needs. Sample examples are to record the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, for tracking location identification, and to tie a pre-printed field service ticket number to the related invoice. I.Docs can also be used to identify several service orders as part of one project. You can search for a specific sales or service order using I.Docs.
Notes are attached to any order as a header note or to any line item of an order as a detail note. Notes may be free-form or template specific. They show on transaction lookups and may be selectively printed.
Supporting Documents allows you to create customer profiles in an Excel format. This gives you easy access to information pertaining to the customer that is not directly related to specific transactions. Sample examples are a customer industry profile for marketing needs, a synopsis of customer history for CRM, technical service information for service technicians and sales people, customer website links, and other desirable information. These documents can also be automatically updated through Frontline, or be maintained in Excel.
Finally, the List Tables are used to record details efficiently. List Tables used for repairs include problem codes, solution codes, and peripherals. For sales, List Tables are used for contact management.