Portable Mesh Communications
The communication between first responders at an emergency scene and
the response command center is essential for the first responders to
complete the rescue mission safely and successfully. TechMer's mACS-5405
creates an open platform built on the first responder interoperability
layer, which allows for several important factors in mesh communication,
like sending voice, video, and data from node to node through the mesh
Using the mACS-5405 means that there is a continuous stream of radio
and video field coverage in dead zones and harsh environments (such as
underground tunnels, collapsed concrete buildings, etc.) through
high-speed data network access and wireless internet access, that VoIP
technology connects radio systems at remote sites; that high bandwidth
applications, such as video streaming, are accessible through broadband
Wi-Fi access points, and much, much more!
TechMer's mACS-5405 is the simplified version of TechMer’s ACS (Audio Control Server), which allows the first responders the mobility and comfort of using a wireless, portable mesh network for full radio and video field coverage. First responders also have the comfort of connecting their already existing radio system into the first responder interoperability of the mACS-5405’s portable mesh network.