S&T takes over KapschCarrierCom - adds public safety LTE products to its product portfolio
S&T has entered into an agreement with the Kapsch Group to purchase Kapsch CarrierCom and Kapsch PublicTransportCom. Kapsch CarrierCom supplies communications products for mission-critical networks. Its business includes the planning, development, assembly and maintenance of GSM-R networks and their further development into FRMCS (future railway mobile communication systems). Kapsch CarrierCom also has a portfolio of PS-LTE (public safety LTE) products. Kapsch PublicTransportCom provides products for public transportation. The two business areas employ nearly 500 people, and in their last financial year had revenues of some EUR 120 million. Downstream project costs and expenditures for external development caused the areas to continue to record losses.
Hannes Niederhauser, the Chairman of the Executive Board of S&T, considers the acquisition a further milestone in the implementation of the objectives set for growth in the company's Agenda 2023 plan. The technologies acquired in the transaction ideally complement the portfolio of the Kontron/S&T Group in the area of IoT Transportation, he said.
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