Cybertel Demonstrates IWF Interoperability in Mining
Together with industry partner Northcom and Rohill, Cybertel, an MCX server software and device manufacturer based in Korea, has successfully demonstrated the interoperability between MCX and Tetra radio in Nordic state-owned mining customer. The customer deployed 5 different networks for its mining operations such as Industrial WiFi, Analogue Radio System, Tetra, Public broadband mobile network and 5G SA Test network.
The current Tetra solution offers reasonable coverage and it is expected to remain in use for the next 5+ years for overground operation and interworking between narrowband and broadband will become a mandatory requirement in the medium term.
At the end, the strategic object is to implement 5G throughout the mine.
In 2022, Cybertel completed commercial PoC in Australian government to validate the interoperability with a P25 system according to the 3GPP standard.
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