TETRA radio billing
CRI’s Tetra Radio Billing System is designed to provide a detailed and comprehensive billing interface for the Motorola™ Dimetra Radio System
CRI’s Tetra Radio Billing System is designed to provide a detailed and comprehensive billing interface for the Motorola™ Dimetra Radio System. It is designed to interface with the Motorola™ Zone Controller via the Air Traffic Information Access (ATIA) and retrieve airtime activity for data transactions, Interconnect, Private, Secure, Group, and Emergency calls and produce usage billing and invoicing along with traffic management reporting.
- Multiple Site Billing
- Multiple Zone Billing
- Group Billing
- Data Billing
- Selectable Detail Charge Billing
- Long Distance Rate Tables
- Free Form Notes for Each Record
- Call History, Multiple Rate Plans
- Prorate Billing
- Roamer Tracking and Billing
- Peak and off-peak Rates
- Holiday Rates, Unauthorized
- Call Lists, Airtime Dispatch Usage Reports
- Airtime Interconnect Usage Reports
- Profit and Loss Statements per site
- Automatic Interface to General Ledger
- Automatic Interface to Accounts Receivable
For each zone a CDR gcnerator compiles the event telegrams into Call Data Records. A multizone consolidation device combines the zone specific call data records into system wide records that are fed into the billing system.
The Tetra Radio Billing System interfaces to the CRI Accounts Receivable System, which allows enrollment of radios for billing without repetitive customer information entry. Once airtirne and other billable services are calculated and invoices generated, the financials are automatically posted into the customer’s accounts receivable.
CRI has designed Tetra Radio Billing System to provide the Molorola™ Dimetra operator with a wide range of flexible billing options. In addition to flat rate Interconnect and Dispatch billing, it also provides airtime and combination billing. Combination billing allows for flat rate for a pre-set amount of time in addition to metered billing for overage time. Default rate plans with preset charges may be selected for each radio or the billing radio may he totally individualized. Additionally a rate plan may be selected and only certain fields individualized. Some of the additional options include call detail charges, line fees, maintenance, rental/lease, operator definable recurring charges and operator definable one-time charges by individual radio. Additional options allow for call roundup to the nearest minute or half minute and discarding calls under a certain amount of time. The first months fixed charges can be prorated if desired by the operator.