ICS Telecom
Planning, modelling and regulating radiocommunications in the frequency range 9kHz to 400GHz requires the computation of connectivity, traffic flow and interference between subscribers and nodes and other assets within any network. In today’s mixed-technology world, it is essential that any tool considers such interaction in a technology, service and topology-neutral fashion. ICS Telecom is the ideal tool for planning homogenous and heterogeneous wireless networks. Its statistics capability also allows virtual networks to be modelled.
ICS Telecom incorporates analysis methods from leading institutions including the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). It covers every established spectrum-dependant technology possible and emerging technologies are added when they have defined methods. Planning can be manual or automatic on standalone machine or networked computers.
ICS Telecom is a mature application that is under continuous evolutionary development. Some 3,000 copies of the application have been sold to regulators, systems integrators, network operators and consultants worldwide. It represents an investment of around 40 man-years of research and software development.