ETSI starts preparations MCPTT Plugtest 2017
ETSI’s Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI) is currently preparing the first MCPTT Plugtest and calls for interest.
Last week, ETSI announced that the event is planned for 2017. According to ETSI, the main purpose of this early Plugtest is to validate the 3GPP MCPTT Features of Release 13 by running end-to-end interoperability test scenarios across different MCPTT clients and servers.
ETSI said that it is looking at a so called staged approach Plugtest series, where in a first Plugtest the focus could be on testing signaling and media plane interoperability (OTT approach) and throughout sub-sequent Plugtests more complex configurations could be tested.
With the Plugtest, ETSI supports the industry in the deployment of 3GPP Rel-13 Emergency Service Networks (ESN) and will develop a standardized Interoperability Test Specification.
The first Plugtest is focused on testing the MCPTT ecosystem signaling and media plane interoperability in different levels. For the next stage: configuration related procedures (i.e. management of identities, affiliations, keys, configuration and groups –and related servers- and in general those involving CSC reference points) and “enhanced” features (i.e. late entry, re-grouping) are for further study.
If your organisation is interested to scope and to attend the MCPTT Plugtest then please contact The subject of the email should be: [MCPTT Plugtest – Call for interest].