Hong Kong Secretary for Innovation and Technology warns for Security Threats for future Mission Critical Communications Infrastructure
Nicholas W. Yang, Hong Kong Secretary for Innovation and Technology during his speech at the opening of the Critical Communications World Congress today said that we need to be much aware of the security threat of future critical communication networks.
A large part of his speech was dedicated on the vulnerability of these networks and specifically focused in the area of IoT. Yang specifically welcomed the way how the United Kingdom has set a good example for the adoption of digital certificates for IoT security protection. It is an example that could be implemented elsewhere around the world.
He said that said that the adoption of digital certificates is considered to be a strong security measure to protect IoT devices and data.
Yang continued that the Hong Kong SAR Government is committed to adopt technological innovation in order to make the city more comfortable, convenient and safer. There will be opportunities for sustainable economic development, and the management of city is strongly focussed on attracting the best international talents to the city of Hong Kong.
Yang said: "We have commissioned a consultancy study to formulate the smart city blueprint and development plan for Hong Kong up to 2030, which will be completed by 2017. Apart from mapping out development plans for specific areas including environment, healthcare and transportation, the study will formulate a holistic digital framework to support smart city development, including the communications network and infrastructure involved."
According to Yan, next to the focus on security and safety, we should be open-minded to adopting disruptive innovations such as connected cars, wearable devices, advanced metering infrastructure and smart street lamps.
However, more importantly, we should take a close look on how data should be collected, shared and analysed across platforms supported by different devices and communication networks.
At the close of his speech, he said: " In order to build a smart city, no doubt, we need a robust, secure and fast communications infrastructure."
About Nicholas W. Yang:
Mr Yang was appointed Secretary for Innovation and Technology of the fourth-term Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on 20 November 2015. The Innovation and Technology Bureau is responsible for policy matters on information technology, as well as innovation and technology.
Picture: Courtesey of Tapio Savunen