with tag Covid19

Critical Comms RF over Fiber Link for COVID-19 Ward

Messaging  |  2020-06-25

The Royal Liverpool Hospital COVID-19 ward has had a new paging system installed by Stanley Security Healthcare, with the aid of ViaLite Communications.

Swissphone Installs Crisis Management Team

CCR  |   Messaging  |  2020-03-19

In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, Swissphone Wireless AG announced that it has taken and implemented important measures to guarantee the availability of business-critical processes.

Two Major Critical Communications Events Now Rescheduled Due to Covid-19

CCR  |   TETRA  |   DMR  |   LTE  |   P25  |   Messaging  |  2020-03-18

After EENA recently rescheduled its annual event, now International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) and Critical Communications World (CCW) have been rescheduled to a date later in the year.

IWCE 2020 Officially Postponed

TETRA  |   DMR  |   LTE  |   P25  |   Messaging  |  2020-03-09

In an email today, IWCE management announced that as part of a managed postponement program and after close consultation with partners in the industry, Informa have made the difficult decision to postpone IWCE 2020.
