5G motoring, says Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf
Currently there are 345 operators in over 110 countries investing in 5G, according to Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf. 45 operators in over 20 countries have launched commercial 5G services, spanning both the sub-6 and millimeter wave spectrum, he says. “We continue to expect millimetre wave to be deployed in all regions,” says Mollenkopf. 45 OEMs have launched or announced commercial 5G devices. Over 275 5G mobile devices have been announced or in development, spanning multiple price points. The three Korean operators have approximately 4.7 million 5G subscribers. 5G subscriber growth is not just isolated to the sub-6 frequency bands – carriers are planning millimetre wave service in 2020. The China Academy of Telecommunication Research reported sell-in of 13 million 5G handsets in calendar Q4 2019. Prices are as low as $285.
“In the U.S., the 5G network build-out is progressing well at the top 4 carriers across sub-6 and millimetre wave spectrum,” says Mollenkopf, “Verizon is leading the deployment of enhanced mobile broadband with millimetre wave service in 31 cities and is expanding their device roadmap to approximately 20 new 5G products this year.
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