with tag Certification

CCW 2022 | Handsfree Group Consolidate Global Mission-Critical Services Leadership with Andriod GMS Certification for the R5

TETRA  |   DMR  |   LTE  |   P25  |  2022-06-21

Handsfree Group's R5 Fixed Vehicle Device has acquired full Android GMS Certification, giving public safety and other demanding critical users with enhanced security assurance and secure, up-to-date access to Google Android apps and information.

US Department of Homeland Security Declares Harris Corporation P25 Trunked Infrastructure P25 CAP Compliant for Phase 2 Operation

P25  |  2018-10-11

The MASTR® V Base Station is designed specifically for mission-critical applications and provides secure P25 digital Phase 1/Phase 2 trunked and conventional interoperable communications on a secure and scalable Internet Protocol (IP) network.

OMNITRONICS Omniconnect Technology Adds Tait P25 CSSI Certification to the List.

P25  |  2018-09-28

After rigorous testing, Omnitronics are proud to announce they are now certified Tait TN9400 P25 CSSI Phase 1 and Phase 2 with full support for encryption.