Arkansas selects Federal Engineering for public safety answering point consulting services
The State of Arkansas has selected Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) to develop a plan that addresses the potential consolidation of Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and makes recommendations for the Arkansas 911 Board to fund up to 77 PSAPs. This plan aligns with the Goals and Objectives outlined in the State of Arkansas Statewide NG9-1-1 Plan and migration path towards NG9-1-1 services throughout the State.
Mr. Colton (CJ) Engel, Executive Director for Arkansas 911 Board described the project: “Arkansas is a constitutional home rule state and decisions related to 9-1-1 and public safety communications are most often made at the local level. Pursuant to The Public Safety Act of 2019, which was enacted during the 92nd General Assembly of the State, the Arkansas 911 Board is required to develop a feasibility strategy and plan by January 1, 2022, to provide funding for no more than 77 PSAPs within the State. There are currently 102 PSAPs in the State. Federal Engineering will develop a strategic plan to recommend how PSAPs can be consolidated technologically and/or physically to achieve operational and cost efficiencies. However, any consolidation that may take place will be the initiative of an individual county or municipality or a group of counties and/or municipalities.”
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