Mutualink supports Operation Convergent Response with enhanced interoperability technology
Operation Convergent Response, #OCR2018, brings technology solutions to first responders applying existing capabilities in new ways under extreme conditions. Nokia and Verizon host the event. The scenarios provide communications tools for public safety agencies to gain a fresh way of tackling future problems. Interoperable communications enables first responders to connect with partner agencies in a mutual aid event. A traffic pile-up on the highway may call for responders from state, county and local agencies. In such a case, a single command center controls communications. But first responder safety improves by bridging radio (LMR) and push-to-talk conversations. Typically, only the originating agency would hear these exchanges. This results in more expedient resolution, as observers will see at #OCR2018.
At Operation Convergent Response, Mutualink’s interoperability platform will bridge LMR and push-to-talk group communications from a variety of makes and models to resolve an interstate pile-up caused by inclement weather. In the scenario, Persistent Systems MPU5 radios enable a high-speed communication network across an aerostat at four hundred feet for connectivity compromised by the storm. Mutualink will also integrate with other interoperability systems to bring all communications onto a common platform. Improved situational awareness through Mutualink’s IWS will be managed through the Command Center. Tabletop demonstrations will take place throughout the #OCR2018 event in the Solutions Showcase Tech Expo November 5 – 8.
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