UK Home Office announces ESN air to ground (A2G) and aircraft radio systems pre-tender
The Home Office appears to be creating some movement around the Emergency Services Network (ESN) with the publication of a pre-tender for air to ground (A2G) and aircraft radio systems. However, there has yet to be a formal announcement of the outcome of the recent internal Home Office review into the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP). The review, in which the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has taken significant interest, took place over the summer and was completed early in August. A National Audit Office (NAO) review into ESN has also been signalled, while an early version of a potential new timeline also emerged in early August.
The new pre-tender, which has an OJEU ID of 2018/S 174-394619, and which has an estimated contract value of £50m, was published yesterday with a title of ‘ESMCP A2G Aircraft Radio Systems.’
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