TETRA  |  2016-08-31

Celab Management tools now Certified on Danish SINE TETRA Network

Source: MCCResources

The Celab management support tools are currently used by many other customers using a TETRA network, such as RAKEL in Sweden, which is the Swedish equivalent of SINE.

During a few intense days on the test location of the Danish Emergency Communications, the CELAB product family 'Four C' , thoroughly tested for certification.

Both Celab's mobile and central management system was installed and run on the Danish communication network for emergency and preparedness organisations. SINE (SIkkerhedsNEt), is a nationwide communications radio system from Motorola Solutions that is based on TETRA technology from and used by police, emergency services and a number of private user groups that support the Danish society.

The products that are now certified  are the operator/management platform "Four C Dispatch' and the mobile case management systems 'Four C Mobile'. The approval applies to the latest version of each application.

The Celab management support tools are currently used by many other customers using a TETRA network such as RAKEL in Sweden, which is the Swedish equivalent of SINE. The system is installed in over 300 rescue vehicles around the country while the operator platform is available in about 10 control centers supporting the emergency services and public transport.

Four C Dispatch is a scalable management platform for monitoring and control of resources. The system provides dynamic mapping tools, communication management in SINE & RAKEL and good integration and telemetry capabilities.

Four C Mobile is a mobile solution for case management and status reporting with built-in navigation.