Dutch Foresters to Start Communicating via C2000 Public Safety TETRA Network
The rangers of Staatsbosbeheer (Dutch Forestry Commission) with enforcement powers, named BOA's, will intensify cooperation with the Dutch police, fire and other emergency services.
Communications will be intensified and the BOA's will be connected to the C2000 network, the national network for the Dutch emergency services.
On 16 September, Sylvo Thijsen, Director of Staatsbosbeheer and Gery Veldhuis, police chief of the unit Limburg and portfolio manager of the Territorial Police (GGB) signed an agreement on the use of C2000 by the Forestry Commission. The signing is further substance to the call of the Minister of Security and Justice, to strengthen cooperation between BOA organisations and the Police.
The priority of the tasks of the BOA's, working at Staatsbosbeheer, is complying with the rules and regulations regarding nature and the environment. "Just as in urban areas, in nature, you'll also sometimes need the assistance of the police, fire or ambulance during an emergency situation. With this system and the intensified cooperation, we now can act more effectively and more quickly," says ranger Erik van der Spek of Staatsbosbeheer.
Staatsbosbeheer has the statutory duty to manage a total of approximately 265,000 hectares of natural forest and landscape and employs about 100 BOA's.