World's most Advanced Metrics
TETRA-Live uses the world's most powerful analysis engine which coupled with the most comprehensive array of performance measurements delivers unparalelled detail of a TETRA network's true performance.
Field Survey Systems
Engineering teams often require tools to allow detailed surveys and investigations to be undertaken, TETRA-Live's Field Survey System is designed specifically for this purpose. It can operate standalone or as part of an Enterprise system.
Real Time Network Monitoring
Public Safety users today need to know instantly when a problem occurs which may compromise their radio communications. TETRA-Live delivers round-the-clock real-time monitoring for Threat-to-Service events, malicious or otherwise.
Intellligent Network Optimization
Ever changing operational demands, upgrades and environmental factors conspire to affect a TETRA system in such a way that service performance is rarely static. TETRA-Live delivers real-world data to allow intelligent optimisation on an ongoing basis.
VOIP Desktop Radio CLients
TETRA-Live Dedicated Probes use standard Sepura SRG3000 series TETRA terminals which means the probe can also be used for normal communications by using our VOIP powered virtual console client operating on an computer that has an IP connection to the probe.