CCR  |   TETRA  |  2020-09-14

DSB Announces Visibility of Nødnett TETRA Network via Norwegian Mapping Authority

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

In Norway, emergency network coverage data, for both vehicle-mounted and handheld coverage, has now been made available via Geonorge's map portal.

DSB announced that it currently shares a number of geographical data sets and services on According to DSB, sharing Nødnett coverage data via Geonorge's service will be useful for emergency preparedness actors.

"By offering and sharing of our coverage data, emergency actors can import Nødnett network coverage in their own applications. It can be of great help to many emergency preparedness actors to visualize the coverage in combination with their own map layers, says Terje Bergman, section manager at DSB and with responsibility for the operation of Nødnett.

The coverage map that is shared is the same as the users today see on When using a nationwide map layer, it will not be possible for users to see the details of some base stations.

"It will not be possible to "pick" the coverage map from each other and see coverage from individual base stations. This reduces the possibility to view Nødnett network details for those who do not have good intentions, Bergman explains.