German Police Unions Praise the Use of the BOS TETRA Network
BDBOS invited German Police unions in Berlin for and annual exchange of information on the development of the German public safety TETRA network.
The construction of the BOS digital radio network is nearly complete and the BOS digital radio is currently the communication tool for the everyday police work in Germany.
Point of discussion during the annual meeting were the technical aspects, the operational peculiarities and use tactical opportunities offered by the BOS digital radio network.
A special challenge were the five meetings of senior leaders as part of the German G7 top, which were carried out with the BOS digital radio as a management and operational resource. The final G-7 Summit that took place in the Elmau (Bavaria) and was the largest ever European deployment, which was accompanied with BOS digital radio. During the summit, the radio communication network worked perfectly, despite the high number of users and thunderstorms.
This is why the the Police Unions praised the preparation and support of this particular use of the BDBOS network.
Wolfgang Ladebeck, Deputy Federal Chairman of the German Police Union (DPolG) summed conclusively "Now the digital radio network is available and the quality and use of the network surpass our former expectations by far".