Successful live test of connection between Swedish and Norwegian national TETRA networks
MSB announced yesterday that on June 28 the first live tests of connecting Rakel (Sweden) with Nødnett (Norway) have been carried out with great success.
The tests are part of a large project named NOR-SWE ISI (Inter system interface). The main purpose of the project is to ensure effective cross-border communication between Sweden and Norway who share a 1619 km long border.
You can find below a simple video filmed with a smartphone showing two terminals – one from Rakel and one from Nødnett. The conversation is as follows:
- Can you hear us Sven Erik and Magnus? (Norwegian)
- This is Magnus, I heard you very well. I will try on other terminals as well…. (Swedish)
This illustrates that migrating works. When a terminal migrates it moves from one net to another. This can be compared with roaming, except that the terminal is known by the other network.