Is there a push for bandwidth to be put aside for public safety broadband in New Zealand?
During an interview with Len Starling - New Zealand radio Spectrum Management - Interviewer Jonathan Nally asks about the development of the 700MHz auction
Starling says: "There is interest in a broadband emergency services network and we have done some preliminary work identifying suitable frequencies. In the meantime various agencies are experimenting with smart terminals running on commercial networks. Harmonisation will be an important consideration in the spectrum allocation."
"In particular, New Zealand regularly receives assistance from, and gives assistance to, Australian services, and harmonisation with an Australian allocation is likely to be a priority".
With regards to the undertanding of experiences from other users on the 700MHz, he continues: "We meet regularly with the regulators from the United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong and Australia to share experiences. And in the last year we’ve been pleased to host visits from regulators from the People’s Republic of China, Indonesia and Thailand".
Please, click here to read the full interview