LTE  |  2017-08-09

Sonim Showcases FirstNet-Ready PSLTE Handsets APCO 2017

Source: MCCResources

Sonim Technologies, the global leader in mission critical LTE-based handsets for public safety, is teaming up with more than a dozen technology leaders at the APCO Annual Conference and Expo in Denver, Aug. 13-16.

Sonim has made public safety a priority and has collaborated with public safety professionals over the past several years to develop a robust Band 14 communications solution for first responders that is FirstNet ready. Sonim's purpose-built LTE mobile handsets, ultra-rugged accessories and customized partner applications have increased first responder effectiveness and safety.

Our commitment to improving public safety communications was recently recognized through the award of a $1.4M grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Sonim will leverage this grant to advance mission critical voice by creating an open-source platform to address both on-network and off-network end-to-end mission critical push-to-talk (MCPTT).

"Sonim has pioneered mission critical solutions for public safety in the past few years with the XP7," said Bob Escalle, Vice President – Public Safety Market Segment. "While FirstNet was in its early developmental stages, Sonim focused on building the XP7 based on feedback from first responders to meet their specialized needs."

Now that states have been afforded access to their FirstNet portals and are reviewing their plans, even more attention is being given to the types of devices that will be used on the network.

"There will be a number of devices available to public safety professionals as the FirstNet network evolves. Choosing the right device to meet the specific needs of your department or agency will be a critical decision," said Roger Wespe, National Public Safety Strategy and Technology Manager for Sonim Technologies. "Sonim has the tools and the track record of equipping first responders with mission critical-grade handsets that have been proven over and over again in the field."

Amongst others, you can see the Sonim handsets in action, at the booth of:

  • Codan Radio Communications
  • ESChat