EENA Launches new Technical Document with the Support of Frequentis
The document "NEXT GENERATION 112 TRANSITION MODELS - IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES" describes the current state of emergency networks within Europe at a high-level.
The industry has been abuzz with the term NG112 for some time but exactly what it is, the benefits it provides, the issues involved with getting there, and how emergency services move to it, have been relatively poorly explained.
This document describes the current state of emergency networks within Europe at a high-level and then goes on to explain how to move those systems to NG112, what some of the benefits/drawbacks are with different approaches, as well as some of the challenges that will be faced in getting to the solutions that European citizens and PSAPs require in order to best serve people in need, while making the best use of the resources available.
Valuable input for the docuemnt was given by Wolfgang Kampichler from Frequentis – EENA Technical Committee Chair, and Mr. James Winterbottom, EENA Technical Committee Vice-chair.
You can download the document here.