Tunnelcom GmbH to implement ICOM IDAS System for tunnel renaturation
Based on the IDAS system, Tunnelkom GmbH was recengly awarded a contract for the renaturation of several tunnels in Germany.
In order to establish a proper radio connection, there were several challenges that had to be mastered. Of the 3 tunnels, 2 were each 1km long and 1 tunnel 7km long. Each of the workers had to be able to take their radio from one tunnel to the other and communicate smoothly.
Regardless of the infrastructure, there was also a network redundancy in order for the workers to be able to communicate with each other. For this purpose, a special RF link was developed by Icom (Europe) GmbH for the 7km long tunnel.
As there was no power supply in all of the tunnels, fuel cells were used to ensure uninterrupted operation of the communication infrastructure.
For this project, Icom delivered, 12 repeaters and over 120 handheld radios.
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